Since I stopped competing in Natural Bodybuilding I have always missed competition. As time went on, as-well as my age, I started to think it may be too late as any sport I enjoyed, athletics for example, wouldn’t really be possible due to knee and shoulder problems. I didn’t really want to believe that though, there must be a sport that I can compete in and be competitive!
Myself at Rom Skatepark 2017
I looked into various sports but I didn’t have any passion for them, when I have that passion for something then I know I will give it my all, 100%, no less. I had already got back into BMX riding 3 years ago, a sport I have always loved since the early 1980’s, even when bodybuilding I still followed the sport, although not riding much myself. I started riding skateparks and ramps again and i’ve loved every minute of it! The feeling of being on my bike is a feeling that I crave. The best thing though is that there’s a massive over 40’s riding scene. Freestyle BMX isn’t something that I’m amazingly good at though, but it’s something that I love immensely. An added bonus is the fitness side, it’s pretty much like interval training, you ride for a couple of minutes, have a short rest, then go again. But I needed that competition still….
Ever since I discovered BMX back in 1982 I have loved watching and reading about BMX racing. It’s fast, exciting and spectacular to watch. I was always too shy to start racing when I was younger as I didn’t know anyone that raced, everyone was into the freestyle side of things, which was fine and that’s what I done, spending most of my days riding over the very famous Rom skatepark in Essex. Fast forward many years to the present day and here I am, a big boy that can now do things on his own!
Late last year I bought a BMX race bike, a stunning piece of kit that I couldn’t wait to use. I contacted my nearest race club and they said they would put me on the mailing list to inform me of the training times. Well, I booked myself onto the INTRO TO BMX that everyone has to do. I was told there was a few over 40’s that race at the club so I would’t be the only one. I turned up and to be honest I was a bit nervous, not because of the riding but because I would’t know anyone! Well I needn’t have worried as everyone was really friendly and the first guy I spoke to was 50 years old, so I felt ok!
Well, the intro bit took all of 2 minutes as they could see that I could ride ok so I was straight into the training session. I had no idea what to expect! After a couple of laps to warm up and a few jumping jacks we had a short ‘core’ session, planks etc and then onto walking lunges and bodyweight squats, I now know how my clients feel when I train them!
What followed was some sprints on the bike, some starting gate practice and skill lessons on manualling (basically a wheelie without pedalling) over some jumps and some crash training. I loved it! Feedback was good as I was told that they would of never thought I’d never raced before so that really boosted my confidence and one of the guys there thought I was hiding something as I could ride my bike well lol. They are a really good crowd.
So after the training session I drove home with a big smile on my face knowing I had made the right decision, starting a sport that I know that i’m really going to enjoy. It’ll take time building my fitness and skills but I can’t wait for my first race!
My bike after just getting home form my first ever BMX racing training session.
I will continue a blog on here too as I know there are a few over 40 people that look at this site thinking that maybe the time has past to follow their passions. Well, it is never too late to follow a passion or to have fun! With some good training and healthy eating you can do whatever you want! Go on, go for it….
Peter Chown
Healthy Chicken Jambalaya
Eating healthy doesn't mean having to eat bland food. Healthy food can taste great, it can be easy to prepare and cook in bulk. If you cook in bulk you'll have plenty of healthy meals to keep you going so you'll have less temptation to eat unhealthy. If you eat unhealthy consistently you'll never reach your goals.
1 tablespoon of macadamia nut oil
3-4 skinless chicken breasts
2 onions, chopped
1-2 red peppers
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
1-2 tablespoons of cajun seasoning
350g brown rice
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
500ml of chicken stock
How To -
- Heat the oil in a large pan/pot and then add the chicken until the chicken is brown. Remove the chicken and set aside in a bowl. Add the onion to the pan/pot and cook until the onion is soft. Then add the peppers, garlic and cajun seasoning and cook for 5 minutes.
- Add the chicken back in to the pan/pot with the brown rice and then add the tomatoes and chicken stock. Cover and then simmer for approximately 40 minutes.
*To make this even more healthy you can add in peas, carrots, spinach etc. to really up the healthy points!
*Macadamia nut oil is an awesomely heathy oil that is perfect for cooking with as it has all the omegas, 3,6,7 and 9, no cholesterol, and all that goodness isn't ruined with cooking due to macadamia oils high smoke point (which means the goodness doesn't dissapear when heated). I buy my oil from the lovely people at www.ennoblement.co.uk, check them out!
And there you have an awesome healthy meal and plenty more to store away in your fridge or freezer so as not to be constantly cooking!
This is a quick video that I put on my Instagram of chicken jambalaya.
Chownie's Quick Tips - Parallel Grip Pulldown
To add variety to the pulldown movement, try various grips and bar attachments. You'll hit the muscles from different angles resulting in your progress moving forward. Here's the parallel grip, wide grip pulldown, filmed at Muscle Limit Gym. Work on that mind-muscle connection, focusing on the muscle working, feeling it stretch and contract.
Ah I'm too old for that!
You're Never Too Old For Fitness And Health!
By Peter Chown
Ok, you've turned 40, you've missed the boat right? You've become overweight, have a good drink at the weekend, or have kids, obviously no time at all to look after yourself.
You're now in your 50's, well that's it you're life is nearly over and no need to even think of looking after yourself!
Well, you're in you're in your 60's, 70's or 80's, seriously, there really isn't any point now right?
Wrong wrong wrong!
Natural Physique client Randhir is in his forties, he started training just before his 40th birthday and wanted to be fit, healthy and in great shape in his 40's and beyond. He's achieved that and keeps achieving more. He's not a gym addict, he has great balance in his life with work, exercise and family.
Hitting your 50's doesn't mean you can't look good, have great health and fitness. Natural Physique client Karen is 55 and in superb shape, a great level of fitness and health which a recent health check confirmed. She is the equivalent to a 40 year old and keeps getting 'younger'! Karen didn't start untilI she was in her forties. She now exercises with her husband Paul too, who himself has run half marathons and marathons, he didn't start until in his forties.
And beyond your 60's, well, it's never too late to start! My mum, after many years of me nagging her to exercise to keep strength in her legs and for overall health, she started exercising in her mid 70's, we're not talking marathons and lifting tons of weight, but moving a lot more, using her body to strengthen her muscles with keep fit classes and using the outdoor gym over the local park, she goes with her friends so it's become a great social time too, going for a tea and a gossip afterwards in the sports club in the park.
My partner Michelle, her grandmother still does yoga everyday, she's In her mid 80's and as bright as a button!
Age range 60's and well into the 70's, what's your excuse? It's great fun and a great social event!
Our goal is if we can make people of any age think more about their health, fitness and wellbeing and start doing something about it then we'll be happy.
Jump aboard and get the most out of your life and start inspiring others yourselves!
Peter and the Natural Physique Team.