Harry Leathers Natural Physique Transformation.
This is just a quick update on Harry and his body transformation. Even with the Cover-19 lockdown Harry has still been working hard at transforming his body. He has a few weights at home and has been training five times a week and keeping to his healthy eating plan.
Every week he has been sending me updates with regards to his training, eating and weight. Well his last weigh in he weighed in at 15st 9lbs! This is from a starting weight of 21st 2lbs. He has been incredible and although we are still working on fat loss we are now upping his calories slightly as his weight has started to drop off even faster. Harry is very happy with that!
Keeping Fit And Healthy During Covid-19.
Here is a home set up of my clients that they are using while on lockdown. But what if you haven’t even the basics?
With gyms being shut during the pandemic it is important to keep on top of our health and fitness. If, like me, you are very gym based with your own training then it’s time to change your mindset to mixing up your training as we will have none to very little gym equipment at home. I have virtually none myself part from a physio band which offers very little resistance!
So our training will have to be very much circuit based using our bodyweight and what we have around the house. A few examples are bent over rows using a sports bag that you can fill with heavy books, I myself use a portable oil filled radiator! As the weight isn’t what we are used to then slow down the reps really going for the contraction at the top of the movement working on that mind to muscle connection. The same bag can be used for squats, holding the bag on your chest.
Here is an example workout I am using with a client at the moment -
First a simple ab circuit -
Each exercise to be performed for 45 seconds with 20 seconds rest in between exercises. After a circuit have 1 minute rest then repeat the ab circuit. I use the GymBoss app on my phone for a timer so you can set it so it bleeps at the start of the exercise and finish.
Plank - 45secs
20 seconds rest
Russian Twist - 45 seconds
20 seconds rest
Crunches - 45 seconds
1 minute rest and then repeat for a total of 3-4 circuits.
WHOLE BODY CIRCUIT - 45 seconds on, 25 seconds rest. 1 minute between circuits.
Squats holding a sports bag by the chest or use a kettlebell if you have one.
Press Ups
Alternate Lunge
Bent Over Sports Bag Row
Glute Bridge with the sports bag on your lap
Single Arm Lateral Raise using a backpack with a couple of books in.
This is a nice simple whole body workout that we can all do at home even with a tiny bit of space.
If you have a garden you can use it for sprint intervals or walking lunges to the end and back.
Also take this time to learn some yoga, working on your flexibility. I’m no expert on yoga at all but YouTube has some great yoga channels. Two channels that I use are Boho Beautiful (the backdrops are nice and relaxing!) and also Yoga With Adriene. There are plenty of others of course.
While we are at home keep on top of your nutrition, don’t use it as an excuse to eat crap. Reduce calories slightly and keep food healthy and nutritious to support your immune system.
Most important, stay safe, stay indoors and listen to the rules we are given, they are there for a reason!
Amazing weight loss journey!
Harry Leathers Body Transformation Update
Harrys amazing and continuing weight loss journey.
Harry is now well into his transformation (see previous Harry blog ). There was a little pause in progress over the holiday period due to Christmas, New Year and his 19th birthday but I can forgive him for that as this transformation isn’t about being brutal with diet and training, it’s about a healthy lifestyle change. His progress has been amazing though!
He is 38lbs/17.3kg down in weight and his waist is down 8 inches/20.3 cm and he is feeling good! He has needed to buy some new clothes as his work trousers and shirts are starting to be slightly baggy! He is still feeling good though, he says his energy levels are a lot higher now, feels a lot fitter and loves that people are noticing his changes. I’m really proud of Harry and am really looking forward to continuing his journey with him at Muscle Limit Gym.
Harry training hard at Muscle Limit Gym!
Want a summer body? It's best to start now!
I quite often receive messages from people that have a goal to get that summer beach body so they can feel confident in their swimming costume . Quite often too I am contacted about a month before the planned holiday or in some cases less time than that. This is nowhere near enough time to transform and drastic weight loss diets are definitely not recommended.
When is the best time to start? The best time is now! A sensible nutrition and exercise plan will result in a gradual and healthy weight loss, dropping bodyfat to show off that new confident you. With a gradual weight loss and a sensible progressive exercise plan that new body, that new confidence will stay with you rather than a rapid post drastic diet weight gain.
The summer will come around really quick so lets do it :-).